As I know little about the algorithm of System.Random, I’m not sure if it’s worth the efforts to pick up the details and quantify the impact. As such, I decided to take an easy way out, i.e.,
Basically the F# code is pretty much the same as in the previous post except the following:
- I add a run_stat_test function to run the statistical test and generate a Q-Q plot in Matlab.
- I change the Monte Carlo parameter N to 1 so that I simulate only one data point, i.e., final price, for each simulated path.
// Monte Carlo parameters
let T = 1.0 // time horizon in years
let M = 100000 // number of simulations
let N = 1 // number of time intervals
You can see that I take the logarithms of all final prices and test them against a normal distribution with mean = (log S0)+(r-0.5*sigma*sigma)*T and standard deviation = sigma*sqrt(T) using KS test. And the output from the test is as follows:
h = false, p = 0.7243765247
And here is the Q-Q plot:
p-value is about 0.72, which means it’s quite likely that the simulated prices were indeed sampled from the normal distribution, and h=false means that we can’t reject the null hypothesis. Moreover, the Q-Q plot does not show any obvious outliers off the diagonal line. Therefore, it’s ok for me to continue to use System.Random.
If any expert happens to know about the issue of System.Random and is willing to shed some light on it, it will be appreciated.
open MathNet.Numerics.Distributions
open MathNet.Numerics.Statistics
// Monte Carlo parameters
let T = 1.0 // time horizon in years
let M = 100000 // number of simulations
let N = 1 // number of time intervals
let p = 0.99 // confidence level
// underlying dynamics
let S0 = 50.0 // spot price
let sigma = 0.2 // annualized vol
let r = 0.01 // risk-free rate
// risk factor dW
let rnd = new System.Random(1)
let get_dW dt =
let dW = Normal.WithMeanVariance(0.0, dt)
dW.RandomSource <- rnd
(fun () -> dW.Sample())
// GBM path generation
let generate_GBM_paths S0 r sigma T M N =
let dt = T / (float N)
let drift = (r - 0.5 * (sigma**2.0)) * dt
let dW = get_dW dt
Array.init M (fun _ ->
Array.init N (fun _ -> drift + sigma * dW()) |>
Array.scan (+) 0.0 |> (fun x -> S0 * exp(x)) )
let run_stat_test (prices:float array) =
let m = (log S0)+(r-0.5*sigma*sigma)*T
let s = sigma*sqrt(T)
let log_prices = log prices
let matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass()
matlab.PutWorkspaceData("log_prices", "base", log_prices)
matlab.PutWorkspaceData("m", "base", m)
matlab.PutWorkspaceData("s", "base", s)
matlab.Execute("pd = ProbDistUnivParam('normal',[m s])") |> ignore
matlab.Execute("[h,p] = kstest(log_prices,pd,0.05,0)") |> ignore
matlab.Execute("qqplot(log_prices,pd)") |> ignore
let h = matlab.GetVariable("h","base")
let p = matlab.GetVariable("p","base")
// main
let main () =
let final_prices = generate_GBM_paths S0 r sigma T M N |> (fun p -> p.[p.Length - 1])
let forward = final_prices.Mean()
let std_dev = final_prices.StandardDeviation()
let std_error = std_dev / sqrt(float M)
let std_normal = Normal.WithMeanVariance(0.0,1.0)
let radius = std_normal.InverseCumulativeDistribution(0.5*(1.0+p))
* std_error
let conf_int = (forward - radius, forward + radius)
let h,p = run_stat_test final_prices
printfn "h = %A, p = %A" h p
(forward, std_dev, std_error, conf_int)
// run simulation
// calculate theoretical mean and deviation
let true_forward = S0 * exp(r*T)
let v = sigma*sigma*T
let true_std_dev = sqrt((exp(v)-1.0)*exp(2.0*(log(S0)+r*T-0.5*v*T)+v))
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