option_price = Infinity
CPU time = 2636ms
Absolute time = 2435ms
Why you see this funny "infinity" price is because:
- System.Random.NextDouble() could generate 0.0, though the probability is extremely low. As such, it's possible to generate a tuple of (u1,u2) where u1 = 0.0 and (u2 < 0.25 or u2 > 0.75). This kind of (u1,u2) drives the Box Muller transform to infinity. Then, not surprisingly, we can see that a single sample of infinite payout screws up the Law of Large Numbers, as the integrability condition is not satisfied.
- The notion of infinity is defined in F# (or actually via Double.PositiveInfinity and Double.NegativeInfinity in .Net). F# knows how to handle log(0.0) and exp(infinity) so that F# elegantly tells you "Sir, the option is literally priceless." rather than returns you a garbage float number. Nevertheless, elegance without correctness means nothing, as infinity is a wrong answer to our option pricing problem .
let N = 10000000
let rnd = new Random(388)
let next_double () = 1.0 - rnd.NextDouble()
let randomPairs = Array.init N (fun i -> (next_double(), next_double()))
let box_muller_transform (u1,u2) = sqrt(-2.0*log(u1)) * cos(2.0*Math.PI*u2)
let randomNormals = randomPairs |> Array.map box_muller_transform
You might argue that mathematically P(U=0) is zero in either U(0,1) or U[0,1) or U(0,1] or U[0,1]. When it comes to implementation of a pseudo-random number generator, at least in the case of System.Random, U[0,1) usually implies P(U=0)>0.
Perhaps you like to know how I find out the seed of 388. For sure, I don't pick up this seed out of thin air. Here is the F# code I use to search for a seed that leads to infinity in our case:
open System
open System.Diagnostics
let search_for_0 seed_min seed_max draw_max =
let found u1 u2 = if (u1 = 0.0 && (u2 < 0.25 || u2 > 0.75)) then true else false
let rec seed_loop seed =
let rnd = new Random(seed)
let rec draw_loop draw =
let (u1,u2) = (rnd.NextDouble(),rnd.NextDouble())
if found u1 u2 || draw = draw_max then (u1,u2, draw)
else draw_loop (draw + 1)
let (u1,u2, draw) = draw_loop 1
if found u1 u2 || seed = seed_max then (u1,u2, draw, seed)
else seed_loop (seed + 1)
let (u1,u2, draw, seed) = seed_loop seed_min
printfn "seed_min = %d, seed_max = %d, draw_max = %d" seed_min seed_max draw_max
if found u1 u2 then
printfn "found u1 = 0.0 and u2 = %f at draw %d of seed %d" u2 draw seed
else printfn "couldn't find 0.0 within the range specified."
let time () =
let proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
let cpu_time_stamp = proc.TotalProcessorTime
let timer = new Stopwatch()
search_for_0 1 1000 10000000
let cpu_time = (proc.TotalProcessorTime-cpu_time_stamp).TotalMilliseconds
printfn "CPU time = %dms" (int64 cpu_time)
printfn "Absolute time = %dms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds
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