- TRADES: actual trade prices;
- BID: bid prices;
- ASK: ask prices;
- MIDPOINT: mid prices.
For the type of prices you chose, the information in a bar includes OHLC (open-high-low-close), volume, WAP (weighted average price), and count (the number of trades that occurred, which is applicable to TRADES only). Compared to ad hoc data like tick prices or market depth, real time bars are sent over to you on a regular basis -- you receive an update every 5 seconds.
The code example here is to capture real time bars on TRADES. As in the previous two blog posts, the first thing we need to do is to specify the stock we are interested in. Again, here I chose Infosys listed in Mumbai.
let contract = tws1.createContract()
contract.secType <- "STK"
contract.symbol <- "INFY"
contract.exchange <- "NSE"
contract.currency <- "INR"
Then, we use the reqRealTimeBarsEx method to subscribe to real time bar events. This method takes 5 parameters:
- ticker ID and contract: the same as in the previous two blog posts;
- bar size: the time length of each bar. Currently it must be 5, as only 5-second bars are supported;
- price type: TRADES, BID, ASK, or MIDPOINT;
- useRTH: if a bar's interval fully or partially falls outside RTH (regular trading hours), this flag controls whether data outside RTH should be included in the bar. 0 means to exclude data outside RTH, and 1 means otherwise.
The following line instructs the broker that we wish to listen for real time bar events for the stock Infosys:
tws1.reqRealTimeBarsEx(1, contract, 5, "TRADES", 0)
As for to unsubscribe, we just need invoke the cancelRealTimeBars method with the ticker ID for which we want to cancel subscription.
Finally, below is a simple demo program, which captures real time bar events for 10 minutes and simply prints them out.
open AxTWSLib
open TWSLib
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
type RealTimeBarEvent =
type RealTimeBarEventHandler =
let now() = DateTime.Now
let formatTimeString (t:TimeSpan) =
t.Hours, t.Minutes, t.Seconds)
let processRealTimeBarEvent _ (e:RealTimeBarEvent) =
// ticker ID
printf "id=%A," e.tickerId
// time: the start of the bar interval
let t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(float e.time)
printf "time=%s," (formatTimeString t)
// open
printf "o=%A," e.``open``
// high
printf "h=%A," e.high
// low
printf "l=%A," e.low
// close
printf "c=%A," e.close
// wap
printf "WAP=%A," e.wAP
// volume
printf "v=%A," e.volume
// count
printfn "cnt=%A" e.count
[<EntryPoint; STAThread>]
let main _ =
printfn "start time: %A" (now())
let form1 = new Form(Text="Dummy Form")
let tws1 = new AxTws()
tws1.connect("", 7496, 1)
printfn "server version = %d" tws1.serverVersion
if tws1.serverVersion > 0 then
new RealTimeBarEventHandler(processRealTimeBarEvent))
let contract = tws1.createContract()
contract.secType <- "STK"
contract.symbol <- "INFY"
contract.exchange <- "NSE"
contract.currency <- "INR"
tws1.reqRealTimeBarsEx(1, contract, 5, "TRADES", 0)
let timerWorkflow = async {
do! Async.Sleep (60000 * 10)
Async.Start timerWorkflow
printfn "Diconnected!"
printfn "end time: %A" (now())
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