Friday, August 24, 2012

F#: Running Monte Carlo Simulation on GPU

Multi-threading on CPU is a bit old fashioned. Let's run Monte Carlo Simulation with style on GPU. Here I'm using the Accelerator API from Microsoft Research. Tomas Petricek has a nice and concise introduction about the API. In fact, this post mainly relies on the introduction. If you never use the API, it's a good idea to take a look at the article to pick up some basic concepts on how the API works.

Here are some points I like to mention about the sample code below:
  • Currently Accelerator does not support random number generation. Since I want to time only the execution done on GPU, I put the code for normal random number generation outside the main pricing function (i.e., European_Option_Price), as what I did in my previous posts on Monte Carlo. Inside the the pricing function, I try to put every computation on GPU.
  • As I still use the Box Muller transform, to avoid the issue of generating a normal random number of infinity, I apply the simple transform (i.e., Y = 1-U[0,1)) mentioned in the blog post. Well, if you want to try, you can choose not to apply the transform and set the seed to 388, and then see what your GPU will return. I tried that for fun.
  • Why I set grid_size = 3163 is because the number of simulations will be the square of grid_size, which is slightly over the simulation size (10 millions) I used in my previous posts on Monte Carlo. Easier for me to compare.
  • Obviously, using the API reduces F#'s expressiveness, but with some custom syntactic sugars, like overloaded operators, I believe that it can be mitigated. However, I don't bother to do that at this moment.
After running the code, the output is as follows:

option_price = 10.117122
CPU time = 234ms
Absolute time = 433ms

Wow, in terms of absolute time, this GPU version is almost 4 times faster than my previous champion, the Array version. Though we fix the seed to 1, the reason why the option price given by the GPU version is different from the price by the Array version is mainly because of the simple transform I mentioned above. If you don't apply the transform, you will see both versions produce "almost" the same option price (some very minor difference is still there, due to slightly different number of simulations).

My laptop is 4 years old and equiped with only a lousy Intel 965 Express chipset, because I seldom play PC games and hence I used to look at mainly CPU speed and memory when purchasing a laptop. Now, given this impressive performance result, next time when I buy a new laptop, I will definitely choose one with a high-end NVIDIA graphics chipset.

Why NVIDIA? because I like to try the following:
  • Actually the latest release of Accelerator contains a CUDA target.
  • NVIDIA claims their cuRAND library can generate random numbers at light speed.

open System
open System.Diagnostics
open Microsoft.ParallelArrays

type PA = Microsoft.ParallelArrays.ParallelArrays
type FPA = Microsoft.ParallelArrays.FloatParallelArray

let grid_size = 3163
let shape = [| grid_size; grid_size |]
let dxTarget = new DX9Target()

let rnd = new Random(1) 
let next_double_pair () =
         (1.0 - rnd.NextDouble(), 1.0 - rnd.NextDouble())
//let rnd = new Random(388)  
//let next_double_pair () = (rnd.NextDouble(), rnd.NextDouble())
let box_muller_transform (u1,u2) =
     sqrt(-2.0*log(u1)) * cos(2.0*Math.PI*u2)
let generator _ _ =
     next_double_pair() |> box_muller_transform |> (float32)
let random_normals = Array2D.init grid_size grid_size generator
let European_Option_Price K S0 r vol T =
    let FPA_zero = new FPA(float32 0.0, shape)
    let FPA_N = new FPA(float32 (grid_size * grid_size), [|1|])
    let FPA_discount = new FPA(float32 (exp(-r*T)), [|1|])
    let FPA_K = new FPA(float32 K,shape)
    let FPA_S0 = new FPA(float32 S0,shape)
    let FPA_mean =
                    new FPA(float32 ((r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T), shape)
    let FPA_sigma = new FPA(float32 (vol*sqrt(T)), shape)
    let FPA_exp = new FPA(float32 (exp 1.0), shape)
    let FPA_normals = new FPA(random_normals)
    let FPA_S_T = 
                  FPA_S0 *
                   (FPA_mean + FPA_sigma * FPA_normals))
    let FPA_payouts = PA.Max(FPA_S_T - FPA_K, FPA_zero)
    let FPA_price = FPA_discount * PA.Sum(FPA_payouts) / FPA_N
    let result = dxTarget.ToArray1D(FPA_price)
    (float) result.[0]

let S0 = 50.0
let K = 40.0
let r = 0.01
let vol = 0.2
let T = 0.25
let price() =
    let price = European_Option_Price K S0 r vol T
    printfn "option_price = %f" price

let time f =
    let proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
    let cpu_time_stamp = proc.TotalProcessorTime
    let timer = new Stopwatch()
        let cpu_time = (proc.TotalProcessorTime -
        printfn "CPU time = %dms" (int64 cpu_time)
        printfn "Absolute time = %dms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds

time price

Monday, August 20, 2012

F#: Infinity and Infinitesimal-ness

These days many programming languages have the notion of infinity defined explicitly with their float type. F# (or .Net actually) is no exception. In contrast to infinity, Double.Epsilon is the smallest positive float in F#, i.e., anything between Double.Epsilon and 0.0 is viewed as 0.0 in F#. Let's use F# Interactive to do some simple empirical studies on both infinity and Double.Epsilon in F#.

First of all, F# has a built-in float value of infinity, which is equivalent to System.Double.PositiveInfinity in .Net.

> infinity;;
val it : float = infinity
> System.Double.PositiveInfinity;;
val it : float = infinity

Well, negative infinity is also there.

> -infinity;;
val it : float = -infinity
> System.Double.NegativeInfinity;;
val it : float = -infinity

Then let's see how small Double.Epsilon is:

 > System.Double.Epsilon;;
val it : float = 4.940656458e-324

Not sure how you feel about this, but it looks "scary" small to me. By the way, we also have Double.MaxValue and Double.MinValue.

> System.Double.MaxValue;;
val it : float = 1.797693135e+308
> infinity > System.Double.MaxValue;;
val it : bool = true
> System.Double.MinValue;;
val it : float = -1.797693135e+308
> System.Double.MinValue > -infinity;;
val it : bool = true

In financial mathematics, log(x) and exp(x) are used excessively, so let's take a look at how these 2 functions operate with infinity and Double.Epsilon.

> exp(infinity);;
val it : float = infinity
> log(infinity);;
val it : float = infinity

> log(0.0);;
val it : float = -infinity

We know that log(x) goes to negative infinity when x goes to 0.0. What if we evaluate log(x) at x = Double.Epsilon? Can F# properly handle this seemingly extreme case?

> log(System.Double.Epsilon);;
val it : float = -744.4400719
> exp(log(System.Double.Epsilon));;
val it : float = 4.940656458e-324
> exp(log(System.Double.Epsilon)) = System.Double.Epsilon;;
val it : bool = true

OK, log(Double.Epsilon) is only around -744.44, not too bad relative to the infinitesimal-ness of Double.Epsilon, and if you substitute this value into exp(x) you basically recover Double.Epsilon as shown above. If you run similar tests in Matlab, Matlab will return you pretty much the same results.

The above example actually implies a few things about the resolution of log(x) and exp(x) in F#:
  • Other than negative infinity, you won't see that log(x) could ever return any numerical value lower than -744.4400719, i.e., log(Double.Epsilon)
  • For any x smaller than -744.4400719, i.e., log(Double.Epsilon), exp(x) is evaluated as 0.0.
Besides exp(x) and log(x), you might also try how well F# handles sin(x) and cos(x) when x is extremely big or small. You might see something unexpected.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

F#: How could the Monte Calro pricer return option_price = infinity?

If you leave the random seed blank in the Monte Carlo code and let System.Random pick up a time-dependent seed for you (or you deliberately set the seed to 388), you might see a funny pricing result like this:

option_price = Infinity
CPU time = 2636ms
Absolute time = 2435ms

Why you see this funny "infinity" price is because:
  • System.Random.NextDouble() could generate 0.0, though the probability is extremely low. As such, it's possible to generate a tuple of (u1,u2) where u1 = 0.0 and (u2 < 0.25 or u2 > 0.75). This kind of (u1,u2) drives the Box Muller transform to infinity. Then, not surprisingly, we can see that a single sample of infinite payout screws up the Law of Large Numbers, as the integrability condition is not satisfied.
  • The notion of infinity is defined in F# (or actually via Double.PositiveInfinity and Double.NegativeInfinity in .Net). F# knows how to handle log(0.0) and exp(infinity) so that F# elegantly tells you "Sir, the option is literally priceless." rather than returns you a garbage float number. Nevertheless, elegance without correctness means nothing, as infinity is a wrong answer to our option pricing problem .
Well, there's nothing wrong for System.Random to generate a value of 0.0, because this is simply how it's designed. The NextDouble() method is meant to approximate U[0,1), but the possibility of getting a 0.0 value is not desirable here. One workaround is to take a simple transform: Y = 1.0 - U[0,1). Then Y follows U(0,1]. So the code snippet we use to draw random numbers can be modified as follows:

let N = 10000000
let rnd = new Random(388)    
let next_double () = 1.0 - rnd.NextDouble()
let randomPairs = Array.init N (fun i -> (next_double(), next_double()))
let box_muller_transform (u1,u2) = sqrt(-2.0*log(u1)) * cos(2.0*Math.PI*u2)
let randomNormals = randomPairs |> box_muller_transform

You might argue that mathematically P(U=0) is zero in either U(0,1) or U[0,1) or U(0,1] or U[0,1]. When it comes to implementation of a pseudo-random number generator, at least in the case of System.Random, U[0,1) usually implies P(U=0)>0.

Perhaps you like to know how I find out the seed of 388. For sure, I don't pick up this seed out of thin air. Here is the F# code I use to search for a seed that leads to infinity in our case:

open System
open System.Diagnostics

let search_for_0 seed_min seed_max draw_max =
    let found u1 u2 = if (u1 = 0.0 && (u2 < 0.25 || u2 > 0.75)) then true else false

    let rec seed_loop seed =
        let rnd = new Random(seed)
        let rec draw_loop draw =
            let (u1,u2) = (rnd.NextDouble(),rnd.NextDouble())
            if found u1 u2 || draw = draw_max then (u1,u2, draw)
            else draw_loop (draw + 1)
        let (u1,u2, draw) = draw_loop 1
        if found u1 u2 || seed = seed_max then (u1,u2, draw, seed)
        else seed_loop (seed + 1)
    let (u1,u2, draw, seed) = seed_loop seed_min
    printfn "seed_min = %d, seed_max = %d, draw_max = %d" seed_min seed_max draw_max
    if found u1 u2 then

        printfn "found u1 = 0.0 and u2 = %f at draw %d of seed %d" u2 draw seed
    else printfn "couldn't find 0.0 within the range specified."

let time () =
    let proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
    let cpu_time_stamp = proc.TotalProcessorTime
    let timer = new Stopwatch()
        search_for_0 1 1000 10000000
        let cpu_time = (proc.TotalProcessorTime-cpu_time_stamp).TotalMilliseconds
        printfn "CPU time = %dms" (int64 cpu_time)
        printfn "Absolute time = %dms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

F#: Monte Carlo Simulation using Tail Recursion

Previously we used lists or arrays to implement Monte Carlo simulation, where in the beginning of the code we draw a fixed number of random numbers and keep all of them in memory throughout the execution of the code. Needless to say it's very memory-consuming. Indeed, if I increase the number of simulation runs to 100 millions, the code (either the List or Array version) throws  System.OutOfMemoryException on my laptop.

We in fact don't really need to keep all the random numbers in memory, if the option price is the only thing we want to calculate, which is the case in the simple option pricing problem we are handling. At the end of the day, what really matters and hence we have to keep track of is the sum of all simulated option payouts rather than individual simulated payouts. In other words, every time when we generate a random number to simulate an option payout, there's no harm to throw away the random number as long as we have added the simulated payout to a partial sum value we keep track of.

That's where tail recursion can help. We want to use tail recursion with the accumulator pattern to achieve constant space complexity. In the code below,  the sum parameter of the loop function keeps track of the partial sum and plays the role of accumulator.

Well, here is the performance results for 10 million simulation runs on my laptop:
option price
CPU time (ms)
absolute time (ms)
Tail Recursion

The performance of the tail-recursive version is quite OK relative to List and Array. Anyhow, the following results show the true power of tail recursion when it comes to 100 million runs.

option price
CPU time (ms)
absolute time (ms)
out of memory
out of memory
out of memory
out of memory
out of memory
out of memory
Tail Recursion

Perhaps memory consumption is a more important factor to monitor than CPU time or absolute time. If I manually bring up Windows Task Manager, I can see that the memory use of the tail-recursive code remains steadily at the level of 1.4MB while the memory use of either the List or Array version keeps growing up to 1.8GB until it eventually throws out the out-of-memory exception and crashes.

open System
open System.Diagnostics

let N = 10000000
let rnd = new Random(1)

let box_muller_transform (u1,u2) = sqrt(-2.0*log(u1)) * cos(2.0*Math.PI*u2)

let call_payout K S = max (S-K) 0.0

let European_Option_Price (payout:float->float) S0 r vol T =
    let S_T x = S0 * exp((r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T + vol*sqrt(T)*x)
    let rec loop n sum =
        if n = N then sum
        else let new_sample = (rnd.NextDouble(),rnd.NextDouble())
                              |> box_muller_transform|> S_T |> payout
             loop (n+1) (sum+new_sample)
    (loop 0 0.0) / (float N) |> (*) (exp(-r*T))

let S0 = 50.0
let K = 40.0
let r = 0.01
let vol = 0.2
let T = 0.25
let price() =
    let price = European_Option_Price (call_payout K) S0 r vol T
    printfn "option_price = %f" price

let time f =
    let proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
    let cpu_time_stamp = proc.TotalProcessorTime
    let timer = new Stopwatch()
        let cpu_time = (proc.TotalProcessorTime-cpu_time_stamp).TotalMilliseconds
        printfn "CPU time = %dms" (int64 cpu_time)
        printfn "Absolute time = %dms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds

time price

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

F#: speed up Monte Carlo Simulation by reducing creation of a new list

In the previous post, I learnt that creation of a new list could be much more costly than that of a new array. As such, I try to identify where in my original "List" version I can reduce creation of a new list.

Here is the original European_Option_Price function in the code:

let European_Option_Price (payout:float->float) S0 r vol T =
    let S_T x = S0 * exp((r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T + vol*sqrt(T)*x)
    randomNormals |> S_T |> payout |> List.average 
                  |> (*) (exp(-r*T))

I modify the third line by using an anonymous function to wrap up the two function calls to S_T and payout:

let European_Option_Price (payout:float->float) S0 r vol T =
    let S_T x = S0 * exp((r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T + vol*sqrt(T)*x)
    randomNormals |> (fun x -> S_T x |> payout) |> List.average 
                  |> (*) (exp(-r*T))

The performance results are as follows:

option price
CPU time (ms)
absolute time (ms)
List (original)
List (modified)

Obviously, the improvement is significant (>25%), although it's not as big as that of "Find and Replace". Nevertheless, if you like to stick with List in Monte Carlo simulation, perhaps you can consider creating less lists in your F# functions.

By adding the anonymous function, we actually introduce some overhead because now we call S_T and payout indirectly and hence have more states to maintain on the call stack. If you like to avoid the overhead, you could choose to move the payout call to the end of the S_T function rather than using an anonymous function.

let European_Option_Price (payout:float->float) S0 r vol T =
    let S_T x = S0 * exp((r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T + vol*sqrt(T)*x) |> payout
    randomNormals |> S_T |> List.average
                  |> (*) (exp(-r*T))

You might see a bit improvment by saving the overhead incurred by the use of an anonymous function. However, I also tried that, but the improvement seems to be immaterial in this case so I don't bother to adopt it at this moment.

Monday, August 13, 2012

F#: use "Find and Replace" to speed up Monte Carlo Simulation

In the previous post, I implemented a Monte Carlo pricer using List in F#. If I would like to improve the performance of the pricer, what could I do? One may suggest the following solutions:

  • (Computer Science Solution 1) Given that nowadays almost every machine (or even a mobile phone) is a multicore and there is no dependency between simulation runs, let's run them in parallel. 
  • (Computer Science Solution 2)  Profile the code, identify the bottleneck, figure out asymptotic time complexity, and then redesign the steps in the algorithm accordingly.
  • (Stochastic Process Solution) Apply variance reduction techniques so that I can achieve the same level of simulation accuracy with less runs.
  • (Numerical Solution?) pre-compute as much as possible, like (r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T or 2.0*Math.PI...etc, so that I don't have to repeatedly compute the same constants.
  • (hmm... Finance Solution perhaps) Simply use money to resolve this issue, i.e., buy another machine with faster processors.
Well, all solutions above sound promising, but I actually took another even simpler approach. I just use the "Find and Replace" function in the Visual Studio code editor to replace all the "List" occurrences in my code with "Array" (and I tried "Seq" also). And then measure the performances of the 3 different versions: the original "List" version and the two new versions: "Array" and "Seq".

The results are as follows:
option price
CPU time (ms)
absolute time (ms)
( Please note that optimization is turned on while compiling the 3 versions. The code of the Array version is attached at the bottome of this post.)

All the 3 option prices are the same because they use the same seed, 1, to generate random numbers. As you can see, the performance improvement is obviously worth the effort of "Find and Replace". Now the new "Array" version can finish the same computations within less than 1/3 of the time needed by the original "List" version.

The fact that Array is the fastest and Sequence is the slowest is not surprising to me. And I don't bother to find out why Sequence took so much time relatively at this moment, because the way I implemented the code doesn't really need its main strengths: lazy evaluation and ability to model infinite series. However, what I found intriguing is why Array is so fast relative to List.

What I learnt from some F# introductory books is that Array is efficient for random access, which is also where List tends to perform horribly given its singly-linked nature. Though, in our Monte Carlo computations, we walk through a list or an array in a sequential manner only. As such, I don't think it's the efficiency of random access to cause the performance difference I'm looking at.

After running a few simple tests on List and Array using F# Interactive as described below, it seems to me that in our case what really makes the difference is creation of a data structure rather than access to individual elements in the data structure. As you can see from below, it took more than 2 seconds to initialize a list of 10,000,000 floats, while the same action with an array took less than 0.1 seconds. Therefore, in terms of creation or allocation, arrays perform much faster than lists. In terms of iterating over the 10,000,000 floats, although the result below shows that the list was even slightly faster than the array, the difference is immaterial as far as our case is concerned.

Please note that by this post I am not saying that arrays are always superior than lists. At least we should remember that lists have execellent constant time complexity in stack-style operations, which I don't use in my Monte Carlo code.

Based on the finding that creation of a new list can be costly, I will be updating the code of the "List" version accordingly in next post.

//// Here are the simple tests on Array and List using F# Interactive
Firstly, I turn on the timing function:
> #time;;
--> Timing now on

Secondly, I create a list of 10,000,000 floats and sum up using the fold function:
> let X = List.init 10000000 (fun i -> float i);;
Real: 00:00:02.118, CPU: 00:00:02.246, GC gen0: 38, gen1: 20, gen2: 2

val X : float list =
  [0.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; 7.0; 8.0; 9.0; 10.0; 11.0; 12.0; 13.0;
   14.0; 15.0; 16.0; 17.0; 18.0; 19.0; 20.0; 21.0; 22.0; 23.0; 24.0; 25.0;
   26.0; 27.0; 28.0; 29.0; 30.0; 31.0; 32.0; 33.0; 34.0; 35.0; 36.0; 37.0;
   38.0; 39.0; 40.0; 41.0; 42.0; 43.0; 44.0; 45.0; 46.0; 47.0; 48.0; 49.0;
   50.0; 51.0; 52.0; 53.0; 54.0; 55.0; 56.0; 57.0; 58.0; 59.0; 60.0; 61.0;
   62.0; 63.0; 64.0; 65.0; 66.0; 67.0; 68.0; 69.0; 70.0; 71.0; 72.0; 73.0;
   74.0; 75.0; 76.0; 77.0; 78.0; 79.0; 80.0; 81.0; 82.0; 83.0; 84.0; 85.0;
   86.0; 87.0; 88.0; 89.0; 90.0; 91.0; 92.0; 93.0; 94.0; 95.0; 96.0; 97.0;
   98.0; 99.0; ...]

> let sum_X = List.fold (fun s x -> s + x) 0.0 X;;
Real: 00:00:00.062, CPU: 00:00:00.062, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

val sum_X : float = 4.9999995e+13

Finally, I do the same things with Array:
> let Y = Array.init 10000000 (fun i -> float i);;
Real: 00:00:00.076, CPU: 00:00:00.078, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

val Y : float [] =
  [|0.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; 7.0; 8.0; 9.0; 10.0; 11.0; 12.0; 13.0;
    14.0; 15.0; 16.0; 17.0; 18.0; 19.0; 20.0; 21.0; 22.0; 23.0; 24.0; 25.0;
    26.0; 27.0; 28.0; 29.0; 30.0; 31.0; 32.0; 33.0; 34.0; 35.0; 36.0; 37.0;
    38.0; 39.0; 40.0; 41.0; 42.0; 43.0; 44.0; 45.0; 46.0; 47.0; 48.0; 49.0;
    50.0; 51.0; 52.0; 53.0; 54.0; 55.0; 56.0; 57.0; 58.0; 59.0; 60.0; 61.0;
    62.0; 63.0; 64.0; 65.0; 66.0; 67.0; 68.0; 69.0; 70.0; 71.0; 72.0; 73.0;
    74.0; 75.0; 76.0; 77.0; 78.0; 79.0; 80.0; 81.0; 82.0; 83.0; 84.0; 85.0;
    86.0; 87.0; 88.0; 89.0; 90.0; 91.0; 92.0; 93.0; 94.0; 95.0; 96.0; 97.0;
    98.0; 99.0; ...|]

> let sum_Y = Array.fold (fun s x -> s + x) 0.0 Y;;
Real: 00:00:00.107, CPU: 00:00:00.109, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

val sum_Y : float = 4.9999995e+13

//// The Array version of Monte Calro Simulation
open System
open System.Diagnostics

let N = 10000000
let rnd = new Random(1)    
let randomPairs = Array.init N (fun i -> (rnd.NextDouble(), rnd.NextDouble()))
let box_muller_transform (u1,u2) = sqrt(-2.0*log(u1)) * cos(2.0*Math.PI*u2)
let randomNormals = randomPairs |> box_muller_transform

let call_payout K S = max (S-K) 0.0

let European_Option_Price (payout:float->float) S0 r vol T =
    let S_T x = S0 * exp((r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T + vol*sqrt(T)*x)
    randomNormals |> S_T |> payout |> Array.average
                  |> (*) (exp(-r*T))

let S0 = 50.0
let K = 40.0
let r = 0.01
let vol = 0.2
let T = 0.25
let price() =
    let price = European_Option_Price (call_payout K) S0 r vol T
    printfn "option_price = %f" price

let time f =
    let proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
    let cpu_time_stamp = proc.TotalProcessorTime
    let timer = new Stopwatch()
        let cpu_time = (proc.TotalProcessorTime-cpu_time_stamp).TotalMilliseconds
        printfn "CPU time = %dms" (int64 cpu_time)
        printfn "Absolute time = %dms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds

time price

Thursday, August 9, 2012

F#: a Monte Carlo Pricer for European Calls and Puts

Here we implement Monte Carlo simulation for pricing European Calls and Puts in a Black-Scholes world. Although we already have closed-form solutions, I think it's a good, simple but non-trivial example to show how Monte Carlo simulation can be nicely and concisely done in F#, thanks to the following functional programming techniques:

  • List processing
  • Higher-order function
  • Function currying
  • Function pipelining

There are a few things to note about the code example:

  • Normal random numbers are generated using Box-Muller transform.
  • The number of simulation runs is 10,000,000.
  • The time function is used to measure CPU time and absolute time.
  • The seed to initiate System.Random is deliberately fixed as 1 so that I can get the same series of normal random numbers every time I run the code. If you don't want this, please remember to remove the seed.
  • The underlying dynamics and European call option details are as follows:
    • S0 (spot price) = 50.0
    • vol (annualized volatility) = 20%
    • risk free rate = 1%
    • strike = 40.0
    • expiration (in years) = 0.25
  • As a sanity check, the closed-form  theoretical price based on the parameters above is 10.11842.
After running the code on my 4-year-old laptop, I got the following output :

option_price = 10.118465
CPU time = 5709ms
Absolute time = 7115ms

It took about 7 seconds to run 10 million simulations. And the simulated price agrees with the theoretical price up to 4 decimal places.

Finally, here is the code:

open System
open System.Diagnostics

let N = 10000000
let rnd = new Random(1)
let randomPairs = List.init N (fun i -> (rnd.NextDouble(), rnd.NextDouble()))
let box_muller_transform (u1,u2) = sqrt(-2.0*log(u1)) * cos(2.0*Math.PI*u2)
let randomNormals = randomPairs |> box_muller_transform

let call_payout K S = max (S-K) 0.0

let European_Option_Price (payout:float->float) S0 r vol T =
    let S_T x = S0 * exp((r - 0.5*(vol**2.0))*T + vol*sqrt(T)*x)
    randomNormals |> S_T |> payout |> List.average 
                  |> (*) (exp(-r*T))

let S0 = 50.0
let K = 40.0
let r = 0.01
let vol = 0.2
let T = 0.25
let price() = 
    let price = European_Option_Price (call_payout K) S0 r vol T
    printfn "option_price = %f" price

let time f = 
    let proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
    let cpu_time_stamp = proc.TotalProcessorTime
    let timer = new Stopwatch()
        let cpu_time = (proc.TotalProcessorTime-cpu_time_stamp).TotalMilliseconds
        printfn "CPU time = %dms" (int64 cpu_time)
        printfn "Absolute time = %dms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds

time price

Monday, August 6, 2012

F# Profiling: How to measure CPU time and absolute time?

Jon Harrop wrote a nice book, "F# for Scientists." In Chapter 8 of the book, he explained how to time the execution of a function in F#. Here I simply summarized what he said in the book and I revised his F# code examples to fit my needs.

Basically I'm interested in measuring the following two kinds of time:

  • Absolute time (or wall-clock time): the time elapsed in the real world.
  • CPU time: the amount of time that CPUs have spent running the function.
The .Net class System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch can be used to measure absolute time. And the TotalProcessorTime property of System.Diagnostics.Process returns a TimeSpan object, which indicates the amount of CPU time that the associated process has spent running the F# function.


open System.Diagnostics

let time f = 
    let proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
    let cpu_time_stamp = proc.TotalProcessorTime
    let timer = new Stopwatch()
        let cpu_time = (proc.TotalProcessorTime-cpu_time_stamp).TotalMilliseconds
        printfn "CPU time = %dms" (int64 cpu_time)
        printfn "Absolute time = %dms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds

let rec loop n f x =
    if n > 0 then
        f x |> ignore
        loop (n-1) f x

time (fun () -> loop 1000000 List.sum [1..100])